Technical Datasheet
Designed for enterprise fiber
Many OTDRs (Optical Time Domain Reflectometers) used for fiber troubleshooting are
designed for carriers and contain cumbersome and complicated features that enterprise users
don’t need. Few OTDRs are built with features and usability for enterprise network engineers,
SAN designers and cable installers.
As enterprises consume more storage resources and adopt higher bandwidth (40G, 100G)
data center architectures, the resilience of the cabling infrastructure becomes highly
dependent upon maintenance tools to ensure fiber reliability. OptiFiber Pro is the industry’s
first purpose-built OTDR that meets the unique challenges of an enterprise fiber infrastruc-
ture. With its simple smartphone user interface and powerful feature set, the OptiFiber Pro
turns anyone into an efficient and expert premise fiber troubleshooter or installer.
As enterprise networks and data center
architectures evolve, IT infrastructure
administrators demand better OTDR
technology to maintain fiber network
performance. OTDRs designed for Telco
networks are no longer acceptable as they
are purpose-built for users with extensive
optical background and training. Network
engineers, Storage Area Network (SAN)
designers and cable installers require
an easy-to-use and efficient OTDR to
minimize network down time.
The OptiFiber Pro OTDR will:
• Accelerate fiber certification with trace
times as short as two seconds
in Quick Test mode
• Maximize efficiency with a
smartphone user interface that
allows anyone to perform expert fiber
troubleshooting and certification
• Quickly test data center fiber with
pre-programmed settings
• Troubleshoot data center fiber links
with short patch cables and many
• Easily characterize all connectors,
splices and areas of high loss with
graphical EventMap™ view
• Increase return on investment by
enabling OTDR project sharing among
users and different jobs
• Reduce network downtime by quickly
and precisely identifying faults on all
fiber types
• Facilitate results reporting and
management with integrated
LinkWare™ software to generate
detailed and standards compliant
• Increases the reliability and
availability of data center
and storage area networks
• Maximizes operator efficiency with
task focused, simplified usability
• Enhances productivity with fast
trace times, one-button set ups
and integrated reporting
• Saves money by reducing expensive
OTDR training and detailed trace
• Eliminates the need to invest in
a second OTDR to troubleshoot
LAN and campus networks
The industry’s first enterprise fiber troubleshooting and certification tool
Built for the enterprise
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