Model 90100 TRACKER™ System Operators Manual May 2006 Manual No. 37826 Rev. 9 ©2006 Fluke Corporation, All rights
Model 90100 Operators Manual 1-6Offset Temperature Drift: The zero offset voltage will drift less than ± 1 count at the display over the operat
General InformationUnpacking and Inspection1 1-7Standard System Contents • Model 35360A TRACKER Display • Model 35300A Detector • 15 m Detector to
Model 90100 Operators Manual (Blank page)
OperationIntroduction2 2-1Section 2 Operation 2.1 Introduction This section contains set-up and connection procedures for the Model 90100 TRACKER
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-2WARNINGWARNINGCAUTION2.2.1 Powering the System The Model 35360A TRACKER Display may be operated from either line or
OperationReal Panel Familiarization2 2-3Display. Be sure to use the correct end of the cable. 3. Secure the cable at each end by twisting the t
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-4WARNING4. Power can now be applied to the system. Wait for the Test/Detector screen shown below before pressing an
OperationPositioning the Model 353300A Detector in the Beam2 2-5WARNING Figure 2-4. Setup for 0-Degree Gantry Angle (
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-6 Figure 2-5. Setup for 90- and 270-Degree Angles (NOTE: Build-up not shown for clarity
OperationOperation Instructions2 2-7 Figure 2-6. The Model 35360A TRACKER Display Front Panel Power The POWER button toggles the system
Fluke Biomedical Radiation Management Services 6045 Cochran Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 440.498.256
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-8NOTE2.4.2 Powering Up the Model 35360A TRACKER Display Pressing the POWER button turns on the instrument. Initiall
OperationOperation Instructions2 2-9 Figure 2-9. Test/Detector Screen 2 - Ion Chamber Calibration Factors Figure 2-10. Test/Detec
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-102.4.6 Using the AIR DENSITY Button Pressing the AIR DENSITY button displays the Air Density screen, see Figures 2-
OperationOperation Instructions2 2-11NOTENOTE The FPGF for the center ion chamber is displayed on the bottom line of the VFD. Use the UP and DOWN
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-12NOTE Figure 2-18. An Absolute Rate Measurement With Air Density Corrections and the Front Panel Gain Factors
OperationOperation Instructions2 2- Underranging and Overranging Conditions The 35360A TRACKER Display displays an underrange indicator wh
Model 90100 Operators Manual 2-14NOTEFigure 2-24 illustrates the locations of the annunciators on the VFD. The High Bias annunciator would appear i
OperationOperation Instructions2 2- Changing Front Panel Gain Factor's From the Measurement Screen The five FPGF's may be set b
Model 90100 Operators Manual (Blank page)
Theory of OperationIntroduction3 3-1Section 3 Theory of Operation 3.1 Introduction The Model 90100 TRACKER System is a radiation measurement syste
iTable of Contents Section 1: General Information ... 1-1
Model 90100 Operators Manual 3-2 Figure 3-1. Hardware Block Diagram of the Model 35360A TRACKER Display 3.2.1 Power Supp
Theory of OperationOverall Functional Description of the Model 35360A Tracker Display3 3-33.2.2 300-VOLT Electronic Bias Supply The 300 volt ioniz
Model 90100 Operators Manual 3-43.2.6 Serial Communications Port A computer interface has been provided in the form of a DCE configured RS-232 por
Theory of OperationOverall Functional Description of the Model 35360A Tracker Display3 3-5Above values assume nominal electrical and radiological s
Model 90100 Operators Manual 3-6 Pressure Temperature mm Hg = inch Hg ∗ 25.4 K = (5/9) ∗ (°F -32) - 273.15 mm Hg = 760 ∗ (54,041 - feet ASL) / (54
Theory of OperationBasic Operating Quantities3 3-73.6 Basic Operating Quantities Table 3-3. Basic Operation Quantities Quantity Description Units
Model 90100 Operators Manual (Blank page)
Maintenance & ServiceIntroduction4 4-1WARNINGSection 4 Maintenance & Service The Model 35360A TRACKER Display and 35300A Detector conta
Model 90100 Operators Manual 4-24.2 Troubleshooting This system contains a number of troubleshooting procedures that may be executed by the user in
Maintenance & ServiceTroubleshooting4 4-335360A TRACKER Display will not turn on (display will not light) Figure 4-1. No Display Flowchart No
iiSection 3: Theory of Operation... 3-1 3.1 Introduction ..
Model 90100 Operators Manual 4-4Low Battery Indication at the Display Figure 4-2 Low Battery F
Maintenance & ServiceTroubleshooting4 4-5Bias Error (LoBias or HiBias) Indication at the Display Figure 4-3. Bias Error Flowchart NoNoYesYesN
Model 90100 Operators Manual 4-6Dose Measurement Value Drifts Prior to (or following) the Exposure
Maintenance & ServiceTroubleshooting4 4-7WARNINGDose Rate Measurement Value Does Not Return to Zero in the Absence of a Radiation Beam Figure 5
Model 90100 Operators Manual 4-8WARNINGNOTE1. Position the instrument on its display face. Figure 4-6. Model 35360A T
Maintenance & ServiceInterface Connector Cleaning4 4-9WARNINGWARNING4.4 Interface Connector Cleaning Always turn the 35360A TRACKER Display&
Model 90100 Operators Manual 4-10Table 4-1. Replaceable Parts List Description Part Number Therapy Beam Evaluator 35300A Readout 35360A System Ca
CustomizationIntroduction5 5-1CAUTIONSection 5 Customization 5.1 Introduction From the factory, the Model 35360A TRACKER Display arrives with vali
Model 90100 Operators Manual 5-2CAUTION5.2 Make a Working Disk Before using the Customization software, we recommend that a working disk be made.
CustomizationScreen Formats5 5-3 Figure 5-1. Display Customization Items Screen Appearance In the middle of the both screens
General InformationIntroduction1 1-1Section 1 General Information 1.1 Introduction The Model 90100 TRACKER is a radiation measurement system intende
Model 90100 Operators Manual 5-4At the bottom of both screens, the Customization software displays the active keys and a short definition for each
CustomizationDefinitions5 5-5IMPORTANT5.6 Definitions This section describes all of the Items that may be customized with the Customization softwar
Model 90100 Operators Manual 5-6The 35360A TRACKER Display supports four units of radiation. To convert between these units, use Table 5-1. This
CustomizationSetting the Electrometer Gains and Offsets5 5-7WARNINGELECTROMETER OFFSET (ADZ) The procedure for setting the electrometer offsets for
Model 90100 Operators Manual 5-8CAUTION where Measurement is the value on the 35360A TRACKER Display, and ICCF and DUCF are defined on page 60 and
CustomizationUsage Examples5 5-9CAUTIONCAUTIONCHANGING THE ION CHAMBER CALIBRATION FACTOR UNITS This example changes the current value of a fact
Model 90100 Operators Manual 5-105.9 Errors During program operations, errors may appear. The error messages are grouped into input errors, a hard
AppendixUsing Build-UpA A-1Appendix A Using Build-Up A.1 Build-Up, Peg, and Retainer Kit Options If you want to use build-up to simulate tissue, y
Model 90100 Operators Manual A-2 Recommended build-up for photons is given in Table A-1; recommended build-up for electrons is given in Table A-2.
AppendixUsing Build-UpA A-3Table A-2. Recommended Amount of Build-up to Use With the Model 35300A Detector to Attain Electrons dmax for Linear Acce
Model 90100 Operators Manual 1-2cable is of a design that provides a high degree of flexibility and allows it to flatten to fit under a treatmen
Fluke Biomedical Radiation Management Services 6045 Cochran Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 440.498.2564
General InformationBefore You Start- Safety Precautions1 1-3WARNING CAUTION 1.3 Before You Start - Safety Precautions This product is designed for qu
Model 90100 Operators Manual 1-4Recommended Operation Conditions Source Distance: 100 cm Collimated Field Size: 25 × 25 cm Source Dose Rate Ra
General InformationSpecifications1 1-51.6.2 Model 35360A TRACKER Display Measurements Mode The measurement mode is user-selected from the front pane
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