Fluke 9933 User Manual

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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - 9933 TableW are

9933 TableW areUser’ s GuideRev. 592101Hart Scientific

Page 2 - Rev. 592101

3. When prompted, enter the product serial number. The serial number isprovided on a sticker typically located on the CD pouch on the insideback cover

Page 3 - Table of Contents

The TableWare main display screen (Figure 1) displays the software menu andtoolbar.Enabled and disabledAll menu items and toolbar icons are enabled.Sc

Page 4

The following icons are available on the toolbar:Defaults - Setup default settingsPlatinum probe coefficient calculation - Calculate platinum probecoe

Page 5

2 File menuThe File menu (Figure 2) provides options for setting program defaults, select-ing the default printer, and exiting the software.Enabled an

Page 6

Enabled and disabledAll tabs are enabled at all times.Dialog informationThe TableWare Defaults dialog allows the user to set default values or parame-

Page 7

The “Show help balloons” check box toggles the display of the help balloons.The default is selected which means the yellow help balloons are displayed

Page 8 - Features

2.1.2 Defaults - TablesThe Tables tab (Figure 5) is displayed when the File|Defaults menu option isselected and the tab labeled Tables is selected.Ena

Page 9 - 1.5 Installation

2.1.3 Defaults - ResolutionsThe Resolutions tab (Figure 6) is displayed when the File|Defaults menu optionis selected and the tab labeled Resolutions

Page 10 - 1.8 Table

2.2 Setup printerThe setup printer menu option allows the user to select and configure the de-fault printer. For TableWare, the orientation should alw

Page 11 - 1.8.1 Table

3 Coefficients menuThe Coefficients Menu (Figure 7) provides options for calculating coefficientsfor Platinum, Thermistor, or Thermocouple probes.Sele

Page 12 - TableWare main display

Rev. 592101Fluke CorporationHart Scientific Division799 E. Utah Valley Drive American Fork, UT 84003-9775 USAPhone: +1.801.763.1600Telefax: +1.801.7

Page 13 - 2 File menu

Dialog informationThe Probe Information dialog allows the user to enter two captions and valuesto identify the test probe or UUT (Unit Under Test) for

Page 14 - 2.1.1 Defaults - General

default is Range 4. The choices for high range are Range 6 through Range11, or None. The default is Range 8.•If the type selected is Polynomial, the o

Page 15 - Defaults

Note: The accepted thermistor model is based upon the logarithmic resis-tance-temperature characteristic in terms of absolute temperature (Kel-vin). T

Page 16 - 2.1.2 Defaults - Tables

Dialog informationThe type of coefficient choices are: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and Gold-Platinum.The default is Type K.The temperature range is depend

Page 17 - 2.1.3 Defaults - Resolutions

Enabled and disabledThe Calculate button is not enabled until the required data is entered and thescales are selected.Dialog informationThe user must

Page 18 - 2.3 Exit

Callendar-Van Dusen (CVD), or IPTS-68 is selected as the type of coefficientsto calculate or from the Thermistor Probe Coefficients dialog.Enabled and

Page 19 - 3 Coefficients menu

3.8, Methods Used for Calculating Coefficients, contains additionalinformation.The Import button reads raw data in from an ASCII text file. The data m

Page 20 - 3.2 Coefficients

3.3.3 Thermocouple coefficientsThis Raw Data dialog (Figure 15) is displayed when the Continue button is se-lected from the Thermocouple Probe Coeffic

Page 21 - 3.2.2 Thermistor probe

Note: If CJC readings are entered in temperature, the standard thermo-couple coefficients for the selected thermocouple type are used to calcu-late th

Page 22 - 3.2.3 Thermocouple probe

Note: The International Settings must be set according to the informationin the Installation section before attempting to import or export raw data.Fo

Page 23 - 3.3 Raw data

Table of Contents1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 What is TableWare?. . . .

Page 24 - User’s Guide

Example: ASCII text file for ITS-90 (both low and high range) coefficients.0.010100.025–100.00,-38.84359.2564,83.2587156.6056,232.0110,419.4314,660.43

Page 25 - Raw data

3.4.2 Polynomial, CVD, and IPTS-68 coefficientsThe raw data for calculating Polynomial, CVD and IPTS-68 coefficients can beimported from an ASCII text

Page 26

Example: ASCII text file for IPTS-68 coefficients.–100.00,0.000,232.0110,419.431459.2564,100.025,188.6534,256.1023Note: If a specific set of temperatu

Page 27

If the third line does not exist, this software does not compensate the voltagereadings.Example: ASCII text file for Thermocouple coefficients.–100.0,

Page 28 - 3.4 Import/export file format

Dialog informationThe calculated coefficients are displayed in the Coefficients list. Use the scrollbar, if necessary, to view the coefficients. The s

Page 29 - Import/export file format

should always fit on one letter-size (A4) sheet of paper. Select the OK button toprint the report.The Table Options button displays the Table Options

Page 30

ton is selected on the Coefficients and Residuals dialog or when the OK buttonis selected on the Enter Coefficients dialog.Enabled and disabledControl

Page 31

selecting either the Export or Print Table button.Enter the date exactly as it is toappear on the report. No formatting or validation is performed on

Page 32 - [cjc1,cjc2,cjc3,...,cjcN]

Dialog informationThe Type and Range tab allows the user to select the type of table to generateand the temperature range for the table. The choices f

Page 33 - Coefficients and residuals

Enabled and disabledThe resolution selection boxes are disabled unless the “Use custom resolutions”option is selected.Dialog informationThe Resolution

Page 34 - Figure 20 Enter Date dialog Table options—other settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363.6 Table temperature r

Page 35 - 3.5.1 Table options Table options—other settingsThe Other Settings tab is displayed after selecting the Other Settings tab on theTable Options dialog.Enabled and

Page 36

efficients used. See Table 1 on page 37 for details on the temperature range forspecific coefficients.373 Coefficients menuTable temperature range cha

Page 37

3.7 Requirements for calculating coefficientsCertain requirements apply depending on the type of coefficients beingcalculated.3.7.1 ITS-90 coefficient

Page 38

b) All Ranges require the Triple Point of Water set-point and thefollowing:i) Range 6 requires at least 4 and no more than 10 set-points.ii) Range 7 r

Page 39

a) One set-point must be within a few degrees of 0°C (32°F or273.15K) (preferably as close to 0°C as possible).b) One set-point must be below 0°C.c) T

Page 40

c) DELTAd) BETA (only calculated if criteria explained above is met)6. Residuals are calculated for each set-point used in calculating the coeffi-cien

Page 41 - Table temperature range chart

a) T(R)—Temperature as a function of Resistance: A, B, ... N (depend-ing on the order of the polynomial)b) R(T)—Resistance as a function of Temperatur

Page 42 - 3.7.1 ITS-90 coefficients

e) Type Nf) Type Rg) Type Sh) Type Ti) Type AuPt (Gold-Platinum)5. The temperature range for the Thermocouple type must be selected. Thefollowing rang

Page 43 - 3.7.2 IPTS-68 coefficients

b) c29. The following standard Thermocouple coefficients are also producedunaltered:TypeRange 1 Coefficients Range 2 Coefficients Range 3 Coefficients

Page 44

solve for two coefficients. The example below shows a set of four equationsrepresenting data at five temperatures ( Rtpwand resistance at four test te

Page 45 - 3.7.4 Polynomial Coefficients

iiiFiguresFigure 1 TableWare Main Display Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Figure 2 File Menu . . . . . . .

Page 46

The software allows for over determined solutions. Thermocouple probes re-quire polynomials expressed in terms of μV vs. temperature.3.9 Software outp

Page 47

General tab. Other settings on the General tab can be changed to manipulate thedefault behavior of the Print Preview window.Enabled and disabledThe en

Page 48 - 3.8.1 ITS-90

Print - Prints all pages of the document in the Print Preview windowFirst page - Navigates to the first page of the document (if more thanone page)Pre

Page 49 - 3.8.3 Callendar-Van Dusen

493 Coefficients menuPrint preview windowFigure 27 Sample report or exported ASCII text file

Page 50 - 3.10 Print preview window

9933 TableWareUser’s Guide50Figure 28 Sample table

Page 51 - Print preview window

4 Table menuThe Table menu (Figure 29) provides options for generating Temperature vs.Resistance, Temperature vs. Ratio and Temperature vs. EMF tables

Page 52

Dialog informationEnter the coefficients to be used to generate the table. A value must be enteredinto each of the boxes provided.•For ITS-90, RTPW is

Page 53

5 Help MenuThe Help Menu (Figure 31) provides a method for accessing help through thehelp file contents, search on a specific topic of the software, a

Page 54 - Figure 28 Sample table

5.4 Technical supportThe Technical Support menu option displays the Technical Support topic in thehelp file.Please contact one of the following author

Page 55 - 4 Table menu

Fluke South East Asia Pte Ltd.Fluke ASEAN Regional OfficeService Center60 Alexandra Terrace #03-16The Comtech (Lobby D)118502SINGAPOREPhone: +65 6799-

Page 56

1 Introduction1.1 What is TableWare?TableWare is designed to calculate characterization coefficients for platinum,thermistor, and thermocouple probes.

Page 57 - 5 Help Menu

software version number, the year the version was released, and specific infor-mation about the computer are displayed on this dialog.9933 TableWareUs

Page 58 - 5.4 Technical support

6 Messages6.1 TableWareMessagesMessage “The [report][table] was successfully exported to filename.”Message “The raw data that was entered may contain

Page 59 - 5.5 About

Section 3.6, Table Temperature Range Chart. If the selected minimum andmaximum temperatures are too extreme, the algorithms used to calculate the ta-b

Page 60 - Ware dialog

Message “An error occurred while calculating coefficient type coefficients.Make sure the CALCCOEF.DLL file is located in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEMor \WINNT\

Page 61 - 6 Messages

7 Glossarycoefficients - Values used to define characteristics of a probe.help balloons - The yellow boxes with words that appear below and to the sid

Page 62 - Error Messages

and/or Maximum Temp. setting fell outside the recommended tempera-ture range in °C.5. In version 2.2, an Overflow error sometimes occurred when attemp

Page 63 - TableWare Error Messages

If you want to create a document that includes the report and table, follow thesteps below:a. Set the starting page for the table to “2”.b. Print the

Page 64 - 7 Glossary

be used) the reports and tables are printed to, or which printer driver isused.5. The date that prints on the report and table can now be set by the u

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